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Inspiration Series: Ricardo Baez
As part of our 'Inspiration Series', we caught up with Tropical Animals label boss, Ricardo Baez.
Discover where Baez finds his inspiration for music, how he knows when a track is finished and why he started making music in the first place, in the following interview with Pirate.
Why did you start making music?
I started making music because I felt the need to express my ideas. I have never created music solely and exclusively for the dance floor. My music is the result of the stimuli that life gives me.
Where do you find your musical inspiration?
I can take inspiration from anything, both inside and outside of me. Usually inspiration comes from outside, from life. But during the lockdown I worked more from my imagination, imagining distant and unexplored places and getting inspired by my mind. It's a complicated job, very difficult but certainly powerful.
Are there any key artists whose sound has really influenced yours?
My productions are moving more and more towards an electronic sound.
I was born amongst blues and disco music, I fell in love with rock, I grew up with house music, I created a strong relationship with techno, now I'm beginning to greatly appreciate experimental music.
Pink Floyd, AIR, King Crimson, David Byrne, Four Tet, Massive Attack, Prodigy and Ricardo Villalobos have certainly influenced my way of perceiving and producing music.
When’s the next record, what can we expect?
My next record, "FIND A CLUB” EP, will be released on September 30th on my label Tropical Animals.
There are three tracks on the new record that I've made by trying to push myself outside my four walls. I've gone to places I have never visited by creating new worlds through my mind.
They are dancefloor oriented with a very energetic attitude and I am happy with the result.
Finally, how do you know when a track is finished?
A track is over when everything is in the right place and creates an emotion inside of you. Practically, it's when what you want to say and share with the world feels simple and direct.
You can keep up with Ricardo Baez by following him on Twitter. Browse and find the latest from Tropical Animals on Bandcamp.
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