■ Features
In the following guide, we cover one of the least interesting parts of being a DJ - the different types of DJ insurance you might need before your next gig.
Whether you DJ in a club, at weddings, or at other events, it's essential to carry the right insurance. As a DJ, you can be held liable for a wide range of incidents, including equipment failure and damage as well as injuries sustained by people while they're on the dance floor.
Insurance is especially important if you're working as an independent contractor. When you're hired by a venue or event planner, they'll typically ask to see proof of insurance. They may require that your policy include specific coverage amounts and types. So it's essential that you have the right insurance in place before taking on new gigs.
DJ insurance is similar to home or car insurance. It protects you against damage to your valuable property. Specifically, it covers your music equipment in case it is stolen, damaged or destroyed. It can also cover you if your equipment causes injury or damages property during performances.
For example, imagine that you are providing music at an outdoor reception when a sudden thunderstorm blows in and rains water into your computer system, destroying its electrical components. If you have DJ insurance, you may be able to repair or replace the damaged devices and still get paid for the event.
A DJ policy covers DJs' equipment and their liability in the event of an accident or property damage. It also protects them from legal actions related to slander or copyright infringement.
There are several types of insurance policies available for DJs, including:
Equipment coverage. This covers the loss or damage of musical instruments and equipment. Most policies have a deductible, which is the amount you must pay before the insurance company will cover any costs.
General liability coverage. This insures against accidents that result in bodily harm or property damage and covers legal fees for lawsuits brought against you for these incidents.
Professional liability coverage. This insures you against claims made by people who say they suffered financial losses because of your work as a DJ. If you were hired to DJ at an event, such as a wedding or graduation party, and someone says that your work was not adequate enough to meet their expectations and therefore they suffered financial damages, professional liability insurance can help protect you from paying out-of-pocket expenses associated with defending yourself against this claim.
There are different types of DJs and they all need some sort of insurance. Whether you’re a club DJ, radio DJ or mobile DJ, it’s highly likely that you’ve got some pretty expensive DJ equipment. The bare minimum you need is to insure this, or make sure it’s covered by your home insurance. You may need to upgrade your home insurance to make sure it is.
Mobile DJs take their own equipment to many locations to provide music at parties, weddings and other events. Mobile DJs arguably need more insurance than any other type given the nature of their job - it varies wildly and a lot can go wrong.
Mobile DJs who provide only music and basic coordination services generally need commercial general liability coverage. This policy provides protection against bodily injury and property damage claims arising from accidents at events. For example, if a DJ causes an accident which results in injury or property damage during an event, the liability policy will cover legal defence costs as well as any claims awarded by the courts.
Mobile DJs who coordinate vendors at an event should consider purchasing additional insurance coverage such as commercial auto insurance and workers’ compensation insurance. Commercial auto insurance is required by law for any business that operates motor vehicles. Workers’ compensation is required by law for any company that employs one or more workers.
Commercial auto insurance protects mobile DJs against car accidents while driving to events. If a DJ drives to an event and causes an accident while transporting equipment, commercial auto insurance will cover medical bills, legal costs and property damage claims arising from the accident.
Most insurance companies will offer liability insurance for your events and equipment. You'll need to provide a list of the equipment that you want covered, along with its value. It's not too hard to get an idea of what the value is by looking at new and used prices on the Internet.
If you're working regularly as a mobile DJ or a pursuing a mobile DJ career, then I recommend getting both an annual policy (which will cover all of your gigs) and special event coverage (which is sometimes required by venues). There are lots of insurance companies that provide these services, so shop around for the best rates.
It’s worth noting that you might have a good home insurance and travel insurance plans in place already that could cover you for kit and travel to gigs - that might be all you need as a club DJ or radio DJ. However, it’s worth speaking to an expert and making sure you’re covered just in case - especially if you’re a mobile DJ!