■ Features
To help demystify how bands really get together, we asked some of the bands who practice at Pirate how they found each other.
Many bands recalled meeting in places you'd expect - Facebook groups for musicians and music class at school. Others had come together in less orthodox spaces such as restaurant kitchens and Disneyland.
Below, we've listed our ten favourite meeting stories, as told by bands in the Pirate community. We've also pulled together the top five places to look for musicians if you're hoping to start a band of your own.
- ‘In high school, I got dumped by my ex so I made a group chat with two people I knew who could play guitar and drums. We all went to Pirate and our chemistry was sick.’ - @dorganmuffy
- ‘I was cleaning pots in a shitty Italian restaurant up North. I noticed another guy in the kitchen had long hair and brought his guitar into work a lot. I asked if he wanted to join my heavy metal band and he said yes.’ - @laurie.laurie.laurie
- ‘I met my fellow band members through playing and attending shows in the Queens/Brooklyn music scene.’ - @arverne.sound
- ‘Our band put up a Facebook post when we needed a new bass player and got lots of responses. Then our drummer got pregnant and we found a new one through the bass player.’ - @thedesperadosuk
- ‘I’ve known one of my bandmates since I was four years old.’ - @lawrnmusic
- ‘The rest of the band contacted me through Instagram. Online networking is so important.’ - @mmrdrums
- ‘We found each other through social media. The band started as two mates but the rest were found through Instagram callouts and mutual friends.’ - @steelmageofficial
- ‘I found my band when I started playing music at Disneyland.’ - @mrhowellmusic
- ‘Most of our members met working together at a music school, then our bassist answered an ad we put out.’ - @dbibby44
- ‘Our band all met at Leeds College of Music in 2017.’ - @supermarketpolice
Finding band members is not easy, even if you know exactly where to look. Playing with other musicians requires a rapport that you probably won't have with the first person who answers your social media callout.
When it comes to thinking about how to find bandmates, especially how to find band members online, it's important you don't commit half-heartedly to musicians that don't fully satisfy your band's needs.
Remember, it's much harder to ask someone to leave your band than it is to spend an extra week or two finding the perfect fit.
For more music industry tips, tricks and advice, or to access up-to-date music industry news, head to the Pirate.com Blog.
*To hone your skills as a band, drummer or vocalist, book one of our Reherasal rooms today, in your closest location: London, Los Angeles California, New York (Brooklyn or Queens), Bristol, Manchester, Glasgow and even Dublin. *